Friday, December 7, 2012

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi

PT Pertamina Hulu Energi (PHE) - is establish as a subsidiary company of PT Pertamina (Persero), PHE is a national operator of Production Sharing Contract in Indonesia, in the business of oil and natural gas exploration and exploitation. In line with our expansion plan, PT Pertamina Hulu Energi is currently seeking extraordinarily talented individuals to be part of the great team in order to accomplish our vision become a world class national oil & gas currently seeking candidates to fill the following position  :

Budget & Reporting Officer (03/PHECBM)
Job Description :
  • Coordinate the WP & B budgeting proposal, project budgeting (routine and non-routine) both investment and operations
  • Ensure the documents related to the proposed WP & B budgeting, and project budgeting is complete and has been approved by the stakeholder / OPCOM and SKMIGAS
  • Prepare regular reports (monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually) and non-routine (as requested by stakeholders) concerning about budgeting and realization
  • Coordinate with the project / operations section, exploration and general budgeting for routine and non-routine to support the smooth operation of the Company
Job Requirement :
  • Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Economic Management / Economics, Industrial Engineering with minimum working experience 2 years
Reservoir Engineer (01/PHECBM)
Job Description :
  • Conducting studies / simulation to optimize reservoir development and CBM production
  • Evaluate the field data
  • Coordinate with related GGR team to maximize studies result
  • Prepare, interpret and evaluate all of sub-surface and field data to create a model of CBM reservoir
  • Monitor field reservoir prospects to find out the location, which has CBM reserves
  • Submit the results of GGR study as a recommendation in the management and stake holders meeting
  • Deliver the proposal in the form of GGR visualization images in the form of a proposal to the Government
  • Submit the proposals to PHE as stakeholders about the GGR study result and the overview of underground visualization
Job Requirement :
  • Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Petroleum Engineering with minimum working experience 3 years
  • Able to provide a good overview about reservoir character to be made as a ​​reference for follow up
Geologist (02/PHECBM)
Job Description :
  • Conduct an exploratory study to determine the point of drilling for exploration wells
  • Conduct the field survey
  • Evaluate field data and integrate with existing prospect data
  • Coordinate with relevant GGR team to maximize the study results
  • Prepare, interpret and evaluate all sub-surface and field data
  • Conduct new wells prognosis
  • Monitor & evaluate geological exploration drilling
  • Conduct geological evaluation to the new wells point that have been drilled
  • Compile and evaluate the results of new drilling
  • Coordinate with the Company's cooperate parties for samples laboratory test
Job Requirement :
  • Bachelor (S1) degree majoring in Geological Engineering with minimum working experience 3 years
  • Able to provide a good overview about surface geology to be made as a ​​reference for follow up
Only short-listed candidates will be invited via e-mail/phone for Test and Interview. To apply, you must registered members. Should you interested please apply at link below. Closing Date : 9 December 2012.
                                                        SignUp -- RE/GEO


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